Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director
In order to be consistent with the new format of this Buletin, where interviews have taken the place of most of the articles, I have been asked to answer to some questions by our great P.R. Manager Alessandra Suardi. How could I say no to this???
Vasco, it is that time of the year where we all make a balance of the past 12 months: what is your balance about CdM in 2012? There is no doubt that results have overcome any expectations: in terms of sales, brand awareness and recognization, by the market of our efforts to build the best quality possible. Cannes and Fort Lauderdale Boat Shows have been incredible: I really want to take this occasion to express my gratitude to all the ones who have come to visit us onboard M/Y Percheron, who have appreciated what we do, and to the ones who decided to start going deeper into the purchase process immediately afterwards.
What would you reckon to be the best achievement of the last year? I sincerely think that, beside the sales, the best achievement for all of us here at CdM is having seen M/Y Percheron arriving on the other side of the Atlantic on her maiden voyage with no one technical problem at all. They faced very high seas and strong wind (including the tail of Hurricane Raphael and the beginning of Hurrican Sandy) in complete comfort and safety. You can under stand better how seaworthy is a CdM vessel having a look at the video on our website where you can see how comfortable was the cruise with 57 knots of wind and 5 metres waves...! I have no words to describe the emotions we felt seeing the first CdM vessel arriving in the US only one year after having signed its purchase contract! I would like to thank the owner of Percheron publicly: without him, this dream would have never come true!
As usual, going towards the new year, it is also time of proposition and wishes... My proposition – beside losing weight as every year... and every Monday – is quite simple: making sure that we will keep on designing and building our vessels at our best, not stopping to improve, trying to find always new solutions and technical challenges, keeping always our Clients as the real fulcre of our activity. Our mission is – in fact – very simple: to give to our Clients days and miles of happy cruising on all the Oceans. And this goes to my wish: I really wish to keep on working for the next decades with the most amazing team I have ever experienced in my career! Without them, nothing of what we are doing, and will do, would be possible.
Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart.