Daniele Mariotti - Head of Purchase Department
I have been working with the founders of Cantiere delle Marche for the last 12 years, and in these years with them I have been allowed to experience different roles related to the ship building process. From the production area, through the project management and the technical office, I have been able to understand in detail whatever is necessary for the realization of such a complex product like a Ship/Yacht. There is no one single item, being it a screw or a pump, an engine or a fairlead, which I haven’t concurred to study, engineer or build in these years.
I obviously know how lucky I am to work in such a flexible and motivating environment. The opportunity to build my learning curve in different departments, knowing that every single change was determined to a precise goal for my professional path, is something not usual, at least in our industry. (But here at CdM, so many things are different, in the best meaning of the word!)
Now, after having grown the best and widest knowledge in the shipbuilding process, I have been nominated as the Head of the Purchase Dept: the experience built up working in the production area, the flexibility I have learned as a project manager, the importance of quality and reliability of every single piece of equipment, all of this know-how is simply irrepleaceable for someone who has the responsability to choose and buy what is needed to build the best Vessels possible.
I must say that, being my goal to match quality, performance, technology and reliability with costs and timing, keeping in mind the needs of every single department involved in the construcion of the yacht and – most of all - the satisfaction of our clientele, I have found the carreer path built by my Principals absolutely adequate and effective. I feel absolutely pepared in order to give to my colleagues and our clients the comfort of knowing that nothing is decided if not perfectly suitable for the need: building the best Vessels, at the most appropriate price, with an unrivalled reliability.